Jun 17, 2024

The Invisible Threads: Stories of Unspoken Attraction

The Invisible Threads: Stories of Unspoken Attraction

One day, as I strolled near the beach, a sight caught my eye—a girl with captivating eyes and a radiant smile. It was one of those moments where you can’t help but be drawn to someone. We were about a hundred meters apart, walking in opposite directions. Our glances kept drifting back to each other as if pulled by an invisible force. When our paths finally crossed, our eyes met briefly before we continued on our way. I didn’t look back, unsure if she did either, but something in the air left me feeling strangely unsettled. It’s a feeling that occurs rarely, leaving you wondering what could have been.

Perhaps you’ve experienced something similar—the feeling of being inexplicably drawn to someone. It’s a natural part of life, where attraction can spark countless moments of connection. Yet, amidst these fleeting encounters, there are a few that stand out—the ones that leave a lasting impression on your heart.

I’ve had my fair share of such moments—perhaps ten or fifteen in total. A few stand out in my memory, including one while I was working part-time as a food delivery person in Barcelona around 2019. I went to deliver an order, and the same thing happened. Oh man, I still remember this moment. I don’t recall her face exactly—if I saw her now, I wouldn’t recognize her—but I remember the feeling. She was French, and I don’t think she spoke much English.

Let’s talk about the second one. This time the story is different because I know her. It was back during my college days in Nepal, specifically in my home city of Hetauda. I had made it a routine to go for runs around 5 am every day with my friend. One morning, as we were returning home, I saw a girl running with her mother or sister—I wasn’t sure which. She had come to Hetauda for vacation from her studies in Kathmandu. When our eyes met, it felt like time stood still. She was beautiful, and her eyes held a depth that drew me in. Even though I never spoke to her, the memory of that moment remains vivid. Although we are connected on social media, we haven’t seen each other in a long time. Yet, whenever I see her posts, that moment comes flooding back. It’s a memory I’ll cherish, even if we never cross paths again.

Still, I find her attractive even though we haven’t seen each other in a long time. To be honest, I don’t remember if I have ever talked with her. I knew somehow at the time she was out of my league for some reason. After we crossed paths, I asked my friend about her. That’s when I learned her name and where she lived. He even told me—probably jokingly—that she wasn’t easy to get. She probably never noticed me, but that moment somehow came with a spark, and I’m going to remember it for a long time. It doesn’t matter if I remember her or not, or if she gets married and lives happily. We’ll probably never see each other and talk. I live in Europe, and she’s somewhere in North America.

Despite the passage of time, these moments remain etched in my memory, serving as reminders of the fleeting nature of life and love. But what if we approached every encounter with the same sense of openness and curiosity? What if we dared to connect with those around us more readily?

Life is an adventure—a journey of discovery and growth. While it’s natural to wonder about missed opportunities, it’s essential to find joy in the present moment. Sometimes, the courage to speak up and seize an opportunity can lead to unexpected connections. But even if we choose not to act, that’s okay too. Life is vast, filled with endless possibilities and experiences waiting to be explored.

So, as we journey through this vast universe, let’s embrace each moment with open hearts and minds. Let’s strive to find love and connection within ourselves and with those around us. After all, in the end, love is what truly matters—the one thing that guides us through life’s twists and turns.