Jul 26, 2024

When Business Becomes Family: Our Inspirational Startup Journey

When Business Becomes Family: Our Inspirational Startup Journey

They say that starting a business is like having a child. Well, let me tell you, it’s true. Our startup has become our child, and we have become its parents. When we embarked on this journey, it was filled with excitement and a sense of adventure. We were ready to do whatever it took to make it thrive, just like new parents eagerly preparing for their little one’s arrival.

But as time went on and results didn’t come as quickly as expected, doubt and stress started to creep in. There were moments when we questioned ourselves and wondered if we made the right decision. We even caught ourselves thinking, “Maybe it would have been easier without a child.” Yet, it’s during these trying times that our true strength and resilience are tested.

Now, we believe in the potential of something new that makes us excited to live. We have started to work on some new ideas and hopefully, this time we won’t screw up. Our previous startup gave us some of my close friends and true believers who would do anything for me and the company, but I couldn’t give my all because I was too busy enjoying the party life of an entrepreneur rather than building stuff and solving problems. We suffer to learn, the best thing to win in life is to do those same things every day so nobody can separate you and you become unstoppable at those things.

I had a great time working with Ujjawal, one of my close friends, Olga, our UX designer, product designer, and marketing genius. We were so close yet so far, and some other people like Kruthi have given us the initial idea to design and how to manage the work structure. And some of the coolest and brightest engineers I have met in Barcelona, who guided me and helped me to build without hiring other AI geniuses. It’s too long, I will share one day with all the details.

Our startup has had its ups and downs, just like any child. We may have started on a high note, but we encountered obstacles along the way. The constant pressure to nurture our startup while taking care of ourselves was not an easy task. But what’s the worst that can happen? We keep moving forward, because deep down, we love our child and believe in its potential.

Throughout this journey, I have learned valuable lessons. It’s time to make things right and continue working with renewed determination. The technology we are building is complex and requires expertise and funding. While the world is flooded with NLP-based apps every day, we are steadfast in our commitment to computer vision and exploring reinforcement learning to create the best possible user experience.

As Elon Musk once said, “There have to be reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live. Why do you want to live? What’s the point? What inspires you? What do you love about the future? If the future does not include being out there among the stars.” This quote encapsulates the very essence of our drive and vision. We strive to create a future that goes beyond the ordinary, and our passion for reaching new heights fuels our every step.

It’s not about the specific field you work in; it’s about finding passion and love in what you do every day. It’s about being an inspiration, taking small or large steps, and motivating ourselves to complete each task. Sometimes, people around you may discourage you, but if you know your capabilities, just smile. Things may not always go your way, but with every wrong turn, a new path is waiting to be discovered.

As we prepare to test our first prototype and launch it in the coming months, we are eager to receive feedback. We welcome mentorship, expertise, and anyone who wants to be part of our exciting journey. Whether you’re an investor or want to contribute, we would love to hear from you. We believe we can exceed our wildest imaginations by working together and leveraging funding, expertise, and diverse perspectives.

Our startup is not just limited to one field; it’s the beginning of a journey with numerous possibilities. Who knows where it might lead us? We are open to exploring various avenues, and your involvement can play a crucial role in shaping the future of our startup.

Thank you to all those who have believed in us and have been instrumental in our journey so far. We invite you to be part of our exciting venture. Together, let’s shape the future and create something truly remarkable.