Jul 1, 2024

When This is All Over

When This is All Over

When this is all over, I will go for a walk and take a long, deep breath.
I will tell the whole world about the life I had.

When this is all over, I will find my home, where I truly belong.
Home, where I thought I would live forever.
Oh, home, my home, when did I lose you?
While building a home for others, I lost you and never looked back.
But when this is all over, I will come back for you.

When this is all over, I will sit and watch the sunrise, the start of life.
Then I will wait for the sunset, to say goodbye.
I will wake up again and run to catch the sunrise.

When this is all over, I will find my girl, no matter what, and I will see you.
We will have that dinner date.
I will hug you, I will bring back those smiles.
We will walk for an hour, and I will take you shopping.
I will cook for you, every day, every time.
We will raise a child together, we will take them to the beach.
We will have our favorite kiss for an hour,
We will have long intimacy with new tricks and passion.
Trust me, my girl, we will do all this and more when this is all over.

When this is all over, I will go to see Mount Everest.
I will try to climb it, I will go to the peak and see the view.
Then I will travel the world and explore as many places as possible.
I want to hear everyone's story, I want to capture the moments with them.
I want to try food from every place, I want to taste it.
I will make friends and enjoy their culture.
I will dance with them, freeing my mind from the world.

When this is all over, I will read and write.
I will spend my whole day and night reading and writing.
I will have a cup of coffee next to me.
I want to feel the taste of coffee while writing my novel.
Trust me, I want to do it, and I will when this is all over.

When this is all over, I will do things that will make me the kindest and nicest.
I will donate my money, I will help people who are in need.
I want to change someone's life, I want to see them live a better life.
I want to guide them, help them, make them comfortable.
I will walk every street and help all the beggars.
Trust me, I want to do it, but when this is all over.

I am going to call my friends, I will invite them over to my place.
I will travel to see them; I want to hear their stories and experiences.
I want to know about their life, I want to hear their love stories.
I want to make fun of them, I want them to make fun of me,
I want to laugh, laugh hard.
I want to talk about our shared past, and the future that is about to come.
Just my friends, until this is all over.

I want to spend time with my mom, dad, and family.
I want to tease them and make fun of my brother and sister.
I want to taste the food from my mom's hand.
I want to play games with my cousins,
I want to talk with my grandpa and grandma and listen to their stories.
I can't stop thinking about this, can't wait for this to get over.

When this is all over, I will start my own business.
I will work on innovation, will work on research.
I will work on creating the most valuable company,
I will work 24/7 and will give everything I have.
I will have a castle and give everything to be a billionaire.
But my work will define me, even if I don't get money.
My company will play a vital role in making life easier for others.

I want to travel to Mars and beyond when this is all over.
I will help build powerful rockets and robots.
I want to meet other species from other planets.
I will go beyond, but only when this is all over.

And when this is all over, I will run, I will walk, I will smile, I will feel for you,I will feel myself,

I will kiss, I will fly—fly with freedom and full of memories, and

in the end, I will watch the sunset alone and go to sleep, forever.